We have finally been able to leave our home for almost two weeks. However, restaurants, cinemas, and bars remain closed, to the great misfortune of Agathe Auproux. Indeed, the pretty brunette, who recently announced that she would be in a relationship, seems to dream of going to the movies. At the same time, who is not in a hurry to sit on an armchair, with his popcorn, and see a film that has been waiting for months? Unfortunately, this is not planned for now. We will have to end the Covid-19 or, at least, slow it down. Something that seems to be going pretty well at the moment. This should therefore reassure Agathe Auproux. Because yes, as we let you know, the beauty may be anxious to return to the restaurant. But his desire to go to the movies seems even stronger. You just need to see Agathe Auproux’s latest story to realize it. The pretty brunette, posting a picture wanting to say everything and making her thoughts understood. COMING SOON CINEMA ROOMS, AGATHE AUPROUX WITH ANGELS As you have just seen above, the young woman did not really make it known that she wanted to return to the cinema. But by sharing an article saying that the rooms could reopen in June or July, she expressed her joy. It took no less to understand how Agathe Auproux dreams of finding a screen and a pleasant chair. She’s probably not the only one in this case and we hope the article in question was true. Otherwise, many people may be disappointed. We will therefore have to keep hoping and be patient before knowing if this reopening will really happen. If this is the case, there is no doubt that we will find Agathe Auproux from the first session.