The coronavirus, first seen in Wuhan, China, spread to many countries outside China in a short time. Although China started to recover gradually 3 months after the outbreak, the virus, which has influenced Europe in the past weeks, has also chosen here as its new center. Many countries that are now officially in a state of war against the coronavirus have difficulty even providing simple equipment for healthcare workers such as masks and gloves. That’s why many companies around the world are helping one or more countries to supply certain materials. Apple will donate masks to the USA and Europe: A donor company was Apple to help countries cross the coronavirus. Apple CEO Tim Cook announced on Twitter that the company will provide millions of masks to healthcare workers in Europe and the USA. Apple CEO Tim Cook did not clearly state how many masks the company will make to Europe and the United States, although we have previously received a clue about it. US Vice President Mike Pence said in a new statement that Apple had donated 2 million N95 masks to the United States. In addition to all these aids, Apple has announced that it provides assistance in different areas. Apple CEO announced in his previous shares that the company made a donation of $ 15 million. However, Apple postponed the March payments of Apple Card users without interest. Of course, Apple is not the only company in the world to support the fight against coronavirus. Alibaba founder Jack Ma has donated masks, test kits, protective clothing and face protectors to many Asian countries. However, recently, Razer announced that he would produce and donate masks to help fight the coronavirus.