Yet she seems not to feel very good in her body. Indeed, this Tuesday, November 19, she made several confidences to her fans. Carla Moreau said she was struggling with her weight gain. She revealed, “I told you I will go for a sport. As much to say that it is a memory, I did not go there at all. But I am really unmotivated to go to the room. CARLA MOREAU ALSO CONFIRMS ON ITS WEIGHT Carla Moreau also added: “For the moment it’s not too cool. But I have to force myself. Even if I found my body a little before, I still have a few extra pounds to eliminate. I must be able to make them leave (…) I was a size 34 before getting pregnant. Now I’m doing a size 38. I do not see how you can lose so many sizes. Finally, she concluded: “In fact my hips do not pass. I am at the end of my life. Sometimes I make myself a reason by telling myself that I have thinned. But my hips, my bones how do you want them to slim down my bones. I’ve heard people say it takes a year to get things back on track. ” It will therefore be necessary to be patient with the reality TV candidate to find her body before!