In a BBC radio broadcast, it was learned that people who previously closed their subscriptions were reopened without the information of their Netflix account. As a result of this transaction carried out by account thieves, people pay for Netflix accounts they have not used for a while. Netflix wants people who close their subscriptions to return easily. Therefore, even if their subscriptions have been terminated, the billing information of people continues to be kept by Netflix for 10 months. Netflix announced that this information can be deleted by e-mail application. Emily Keen, a victim of account thieves, found that she canceled her Netflix subscription in April 2019, but in September, the highest subscription fee of £ 11.99 was collected from her account. Een I tried to log in to my account, K Keen said. However, I found that my email address and password were not recognized by Netflix. Apparently, the criminals changed my login completely after registering me with the most expensive service. ” Emily Keen contacted Netflix customer service after the event. Netflix, Keen was informed that his account will be canceled and refunded. However, in October and November, Keen was charged two more payments to Keen’s account and only partially refunded. They announced on Twitter that Netflix accounts, which Emily Keen had closed down on other people, were reopened and money was charged. Netflix accounts that are re-opened in this way are changed by logging in and are sold by account thieves for 3 pounds from eBay. An eBay spokesperson for the sale of Netflix accounts announced that such accounts selling Netflix accounts will be closed. Netflix also explained that the security of their subscribers’ accounts was a priority for them, and they wanted their subscribers to reach them immediately if they noticed unusual events in their accounts.