It’s official ! For a few days now, Cole Sprouse and Lili Reinhart have not been together anymore … A break that has just been made official! Somag News tells you more! While several rumors hovered above Coule Sprouse and Lili Reinhart, the latter have always denied! Only here, a few days ago the truth came out! “They decided not to confine themselves together! They separated just before, but they remained very good friends! A source close to Cole Sprouse told Page Six magazine! A shock for the fans of Riverdale who adored the couple that their 2 favorite actors, Lili and Cole Sprouse formed! Indeed, in the series also he embodies a couple!
May fans of the hit series on Netflix keep hope! Indeed, there is a strong possibility that the former couple will reform! Indeed, a source close to Lili and Cole Sprouse made several revelations to our colleagues from E! “Everything was fine between the actress and Cole Sprouse when the filming of Riverdale stopped but they decided to isolate themselves separately and the distance was never a good thing in their relationship! “First explained this same source! And to add: “When Cole and Lili are together, everything is fine. They have a very intimate and affectionate relationship but things are more complicated when they are separated! ” Thus, according to this source close to the couple, the deconfinement may cause the Cole and Lili to find themselves and reconnect with the passion that animated them at the start! A result that fans of the Riverdale series wholeheartedly hope for! Indeed, the latter are very saddened by the breakup of Lili and Cole since the beginning of the week!