Lagarde held meetings with finance ministers across the euro area, according to Reuters. Lagarde proposed to issue a one-off Corona bond during this meeting. Lagarde thinks that such a common borrowing can be done to reduce the economic effects of the coronavirus. Not Supported This idea put forward by Christine Lagarde does not seem to have been supported much at the moment. Countries in Europe can jointly prepare more comprehensive incentive packages by corona bonds, helping citizens and companies across Europe more effectively. However, they must also borrow large sums of money at the same time. According to the current information, a few other countries, mainly Germany and the Netherlands, do not approve of this proposal. Selcoin’s Insight European Central Bank President Lagarde expressed this proposal at a meeting a few hours ago. Selcoin, one of the well-known names of the domestic crypto money industry, voiced this proposal on March 16. Reminding that a similar bond was issued during the war, Selcoin mentioned that states could take a step in this direction….