Fearing that he was infected with the coronavirus , Drake therefore took a test . And good news! It is therefore negative. In this difficult period, it is necessary to get tested for coronavirus if there is any suspicion. And for good reason ! The virus then infects more and more people . This Sunday, March 22, the coronavirus pandemic killed more than 12,000 people worldwide. As a reminder, according to a report established by AFP, there were then more than 291,420 people infected . And this in 165 countries. These numbers continue to rise. The situation is therefore very serious. This is the reason why more than 900 million people around the world are called to stay at home. The goal has never been easier. So it’s about staying at home to save lives. And one thing is for sure! Drake got it! The rapper fell ill during this confinement period. And for good reason !
A post shared by Drake (@drake) on Dec 26, 2019 at 5:08pm PST CORONAVIRUS: A DISCARDED TRACK He spent an evening with NBA star Kevin Durant at his Toronto home. However, the basketball player was himself contaminated by the coronavirus. The American artist therefore made an emergency test. And good news! He has just announced that he is negative for the coronavirus. “I had to take a test yesterday. Yeah, I had to do a test, but it was negative. ” Very close to his community, Drake ad onc revealed his results during a live on Instagram . “It is a moment in history that I hope we will probably never relive. ” Drake added a very positive message, however: “It makes you realize how much we have gotten used to a routine that takes us away from each other.” ” “And now we have this thing that makes us want to call each other, to be face to face, to show some love. ” So there is no doubt! His fans are therefore very reassured !