Danna Paola is one of the artists who gives more talk about in the entertainment world. And it is that, not satisfied that it has recently been the center of attention for a controversy in the program “The Academy”, the artist goes for more. It was only a few days when Monica’s interpreter in the new season of “La Doña” unveiled a publication on social networks where she appeared with a delicate corset made of jean cloth and a closure that was about to explode. However, the interpreter of “Bad Fame” surprised her fans again with a new postcard that, this time raised the tone and temperature of her Instagram account.
A post shared by Danna Paola (@dannapaola) on Jan 11, 2020 at 2:44pm PST Danna Paola continues to talk about, then share a photo with which she captivated her millions of followers and left them with interest to continue seeing more And is that the beautiful Mexican singer posed with very short shorts that left in sight of all her perfect legs. She also wore a pastel yellow blouse that matched with camel boots at the height of the shin.
A post shared by Danna Paola (@dannapaola) on Jan 13, 2020 at 10:49am PST This postcard accompanied her with the name of “Monica” and “# LaDoña”, which gave clues that the interpreter of “Hey Pablo” is recording some scenes of the second season of the telenovela starring Aracely Arámbula. https://www.instagram.com/p/B7WwxJSndD3/?utm_source=ig_embed The publication has already reached more than 2 million likes and thousands of comments that have opted for Danna and who anxiously await the surprises that the actress has in this teleserie.