Kylie Jenner has once again created the Instagram sensation. And this time it’s not with a sexy photo of her. Indeed, the young woman has unveiled on her account her incredible collection of bags. Very girly luxury bags in the image of the star. Indeed, Kylie Jenner can boast of being one of the richest young women on the planet. With her brand Kylie Cosmetic, she has built a beauty empire. And thanks to that she became a billionaire. The youngest of the Kardashian clan even competes with her big sister Kim. And due to not even 22 years, the fortune of the young woman would be around 900 million dollars. Just that ! Thus, she does not forbid anything and lives her life as she wishes! KYLIE JENNER AND THE BAGS A LOVE STORY! So, Kylie Jenner loves spending her money on fashion. Her fans regularly discover her new looks. These are still very studied and have been created by the biggest fashion designers. And who better than the star to promote it. His fans want to prick his look! But what Kylie Jenner loves above all are the bags. The star thus unveiled an impressive collection on Instagram. And it would seem that pink is her favorite color. As evidenced by the majority of her little gems. We then discover on the photo the Hermès, Jacquemus, Chanel and Louis Vuitton bags. So many pieces that Kylie Jenner collects as works of art. And his fans love the star’s collection. They are indeed more than two million to have liked the post of the young woman. Designer Jacquemus even commented that he loves pink. It remains to find which one …