It’s no secret that Kylie Jenner pays great attention to her appearance. She makes it a point of honor to have a perfect look. But that’s not all ! Her nails are always very neat. She has just unveiled her new manicure on the Web! Kylie Jenner is a real social media pro. Like her illustrious sisters, she is a real star on the Web. The young woman knows how to make the buzz! The incendiary brunette loves to share her looks of the moment but not only. She also enjoys posting photos of her family. Totally gaga of her little Stormi, the business woman likes to reveal many photos of the little girl! Fashion buff, Kylie Jenner loves to dress her daughter like a princess. For Christmas, North’s cousin wore the same dress as her mom. Very proud of their duo, the pretty brunette even shared the famous shot on the web. In the photo in question, mother and daughter appear sublime. Unsurprisingly, the post was a resounding success on the web. KYLIE JENNER’S NEW NAILS ARE BUZZING ON THE CANVAS! In everyday life, Kylie Jenner heads a make-up and cosmetics brand. And to promote it, North’s aunt brilliantly uses her social networks. Thanks to her empire, Kris Jenner’s daughter has become a billionaire! In parallel to all this, the young woman continues to make some appearances in “Keeping Up With The Kardashians”. Lately, Kylie Jenner has delighted her community. No, this time the young woman did not post an ultra sexy image of her! In her last post, the pretty brunette shared a snapshot of her new manicure. The business woman wanted to have flowered and very colorful nails. In the comments thread, his followers massively validated his new manicure. And you, what do you think ?!