— Elvis Fernández (@Elvis15867) October 23, 2019 Selena Gomez is back! After such a long time of having her fans in suspense, the singer decided to release a powerful song with a very clear message: Sel closed a cycle. ‘Lose You To Love Me’ has become the sensation not only for marking a new facet in Gomez’s life, it has also been a source of inspiration for the best memes of the day on Twitter….
— Plutunocornopio (@hectolsi) October 23, 2019
— g⃟ v⃟ (@GYGYVS) October 23, 2019 Others have decided to fully support Selena Gomez since her song is a sample of her fight against her emotions and how she has now become someone different after closing her cycle. ‘Lose You To Love Me’ has inspired many memes on how we now have a clear example that it is possible to overcome our ex-partners. LOL! https://twitter.com/reflexionellas/status/1186994588231360512?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1186994588231360512&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nacionrex.com%2Fmemes%2Fselena-gomez-memes-lose-you-to-love-justin-bieber-mejores-fotos-20191023-0006.html You may also like.