Do not spend ammo with Nemesis Nemesis is the great enemy of Resident Evil 3 Remake, just as it was in the original version. Big not only in size, but also in threat: it is a giant and invincible chase machine, which will appear at several predetermined moments for the player, whether controlling Jill or Carlos. But don’t worry so much: you can’t kill it, so don’t waste your precious ammunition on it. The best alternative for Nemesis is to escape. Whenever he appears, run and try to enter doors to delay your advance. He is unable to enter some locations. The best thing to do is to bring it down temporarily, in case you use heavier weapons like rocket launchers, but it is only for a limited time and it is not worth spending ammo on. Save all Resident Evil 3 Remake brings a novelty in its gameplay which is the dodge button. It is on the R1 button on PS4 and the RB button on Xbox One, by default. The dodge is for you to escape zombie attacks or Nemesis itself, and is a good alternative to not spend ammo on any of the simplest zombies, unless it is something extremely necessary. Always prefer to escape. Another valid tip for moments like this is: don’t try to use the knife against zombies. The knife in this game is weak to take down enemies. Use it only to open crates, so you save shots and get more items in a practical way. The vault password At a certain point in the game, inside the police station, you will find a safe. Inside, it is possible to redeem a bag that increases your ability to carry items, which is very important. The code to open the safe is not in the same room where the object is, so we will facilitate and inform here: left 9, right 15, left 7. Don’t be afraid to go back on the map We know that Resident Evil 3 is a game that can give you some scares or make you dread going through a place full of zombies again. Despite this, the game forces the player to go back in some parts where he has already gone to continue the story, so the practice ends up working in a natural way. Even outside those moments, going back to other parts of the map can help you find items you haven’t seen before. How to get more ammo The easiest way to get more ammo in Resident Evil 3 Remake is simple: playing on the lowest difficulty. The lower the difficulty, the more ammo you will find in the scenarios. It does not mean that zombies will be easier to beat, but that more items will be available in less hidden locations. The greater the difficulty, the scarcer the ammunition. Use the scenario to your advantage An important tip that many miss: if you want to eliminate an entire group of zombies or deal with Nemesis more easily, shoot at objects that can explode or burst. Red exploding barrels or energy boxes that emit large rays and electrocute nearby enemies are good examples. Always notice your surroundings, despite possible dangers. Increase brightness This is a practical tip, involving the TV or monitor where you play: if you want to take less scares, increase the brightness of the screen in the game settings menu or on the TV. Many zombies are hidden in the shadows and even passages in the scene are more difficult to find when everything is very dark. With greater brightness, not only will the scares decrease, but the chances of finding items or tickets will also increase.