RM misses the dynamic with his BTS peers , who love the energy ARMY brings to them in every interaction. The Big Hit Entertainment group always has a great reception when they release their record materials, as they are a guarantee of quality, BTS idols are always sincere with their fans, they want to leave a message of love and improvement. https://www.instagram.com/p/B9E7jSJpmZK/?utm_source=ig_embed RM attended the Suga radio show as a guest, where they had a special talk with ARMY via VLiv and on ‘DJ Suga’s Honey FM 06.13 ‘, fans expressed to idols that they missed seeing them. Suga replied that they really wanted to go back to doing concerts to share with their followers and offer them unforgettable moments, Namjoon expressed ‘it is as if I wanted to let myself cry if I get to hear Spring Day at this moment’, RM ended by saying ‘Yes I hear’ I miss you ‘ I will cry immediately. ‘
A post shared by BTS RM | 알엠 (@bts.rm) on Dec 26, 2019 at 9:33am PST The lyrics of ‘Spring Day’ are full of emotions, narrating the feelings of a person when he misses someone very important, as well as the feelings he experiences when the memory of what they lived together is always present regardless of the season of the year. ‘Spring Day’ is a track that belongs to the record material ‘You Never Walk Alone’, which was a great success in sales and had a great presence in the Korean and world music charts, currently the official MV of the song features with over 311 million views on the Big Hit Labels YouTube channel .
On the radio show on VLive , RM also took advantage of the close moment with ARMY to give them some advice and Suga revealed some details about his second mixtape and shared why he hasn’t released it yet . https://www.instagram.com/p/B_r1wG0p8Gr/?utm_source=ig_embed