The Witcher III: Wild Hunt is the game of the moment! Over the past few days, many players have been playing in droves because of Netflix. For the end of year celebrations, Netflix has therefore done a lot! Indeed, the famous platform has unveiled a whole new series! Her name ? The Witcher! As soon as it was released, the saga was a great success all over the world. Many Internet users are already fans of this brand new universe. On the web, some seasoned observers point out some similarities with the Game of Thrones series. Following this success, Netflix has confirmed that there will also be a second season. “As many of you ask us about the Witcher: it’s A BIG YES, there will be a season 2, and filming will start in early 2020”, announced the platform on Twitter. In the meantime, some fans of the series have turned to the official game of the saga to wait.
— Marcin Momot (@Marcin360) December 29, 2019 NETFLIX BOOSTS THE WITCHER III: WILD HUNT ON STEAM GAME SALES! On May 19, 2015, The Witcher III: Wild Hunt was born! Recently, the game has had a significant boost thanks to the series broadcast on Netflix. According to Marcin Momot’s report (who manages the CD Projekt Red community), the game’s numbers have exploded this weekend. In fact, 93,835 players played en masse via the Valve platform. More than 4 years after its marketing anyway. The class! But that’s not all ! On Steam, The Witcher III: Wild Hunt – Game of The Year Edition – tops the bestsellers. The price of the game is also unbeatable. You’ll see ! 14.99 euros instead of 49.99 euros just to play it! And without extensions? The game is also in the Top 10. Its price? 8.99 euros instead of 29.99 euros!