Baby Yoda, the beloved character of the Mandalorian series, became the lover of everyone, big and small. Baby Yoda fan sculptor made a smaller figure than the rice grain of the beloved character, creating an astonishing design as cute as it is. The ultra-tiny Baby Yoda figure was made by Silvia Minucelli, an engineer living in Italy-born Sweden. Minucelli recently posted pictures of micro Yoda on his Instagram and Tumblr accounts. “Attention to detail is three fingers smaller than a figurine grain of rice, but with small nails on both hands,” said Minucelli. Baby Yoda figure smaller than rice grain Silvia Minucelli’s Baby Yoda figure offers extremely impressive details according to her size, as she has stated, and captures the essence of the character perfectly. We can call this figure the smallest Baby Yoda we have ever seen. For your comparison, let’s point out that a medium-sized rice grain is about 5 millimeters long. Although Minucelli draws attention with the figure of Bebek Yoda, his other creations are just as successful. The Italian sculptor reveals many designs, from baby dragons to pangolins and exotic animals. In addition to Baby Yoda, the tiny figure of the cute robot of the Star Wars universe BB-8 also attracts attention. Minucelli normally sells his designs through the ETSY store, but states that this ultra-tiny Baby Yoda has been custom made and will not be available for sale. Those who are curious about the sculptor’s designs can check out his Instagram account here.