The coronavirus emerging in China has influenced the whole world. In many countries of the world, state administrators say that people should not go out on the streets unless it is compulsory. In some countries curfews are imposed. The World Health Organization (WHO), which asked people not to leave their homes unless necessary, cooperated with the game industry for this. As part of the new collaboration, the ‘Play Apart Together’ campaign was launched. Cooperation of the World Health Organization and game industry: The companies that support this new campaign are companies such as Activision Blizzard, Twitch, Riot Games and YouTube. The companies will hold special events and activities to encourage people to stay as far away from each other as possible. The executives of the companies emphasize the importance of isolation and state that acting can help keep distance. Bobby Kotick, CEO of Activision, said, “It has never been so critical to connect people safely to each other. Games are a great platform for this because people; it connects with the perspective of fun, purpose and meaning. We are proud to be involved in such an initiative. ” Perhaps the most interesting part of all these developments, the World Health Organization had accepted the ‘game play disorder’ as a disease last year. The World Health Organization now wants people to close home and play games. Of course, it is obvious that these two events are not very interrelated, but it is ironic that such a campaign will start before a long time. Also, the data announced by various platforms show that acting has increased a lot since the quarantine and isolation process started. In a news article yesterday, we mentioned that Steam is hosting 23 million 392 thousand 298 players simultaneously. If this process is prolonged, this record of Steam can even see 25 million.