The beautiful weather girl, as hundreds of Mexicans know her, Yanet García, is a girl both intelligent, successful and beautiful. The host has been the center of attention in social networks because those who know her have become her faithful followers, thanks to the daring photographs she shares in her social network Instagram, although today she caused a sensation through Tik Tok. TikTok became the new medium where many stars are consenting to their fans, because this time Yanet did it with a short video in which she appears showing off her great rear guard, leaving the pool in a small thong that drove everyone in networks crazy . In the video Yanet García appears inside her pool, wetting her hair and leaving her in a super hot way, leaving many speechless, because we can rarely see this action and more that it is set with a song that makes her look fantastic . Yanet wanted to highlight her beauty in the video, because she has been working hard to achieve it. It seems that it is not enough to conquer Instagram, but also wants to do it on TikTok, as it is one of the most popular applications today. Click here to see Yanet’s daring Tik Tok: The video has more than 92 thousand likes and hundreds of comments where they flatter and thank this kind of clips, because it has been one of the most daring and liked of the beautiful girl, a great way to follow with the right foot this 2020. The young woman is today one of the most beloved drivers of the morning “Today”, but her time is about to conclude as the “Girl of the weather.” She has a romantic relationship with Lewis Howes, originally from Ohio, 36 years old and is part of the national handball or male handball team in the Anglo-Saxon country. She is also known as an entrepreneur, writer and inspirational coach.